Saturday, March 3, 2012

Learning syllawords

Learning syllables is now a favorite educational game of my daughter. Most of the time, she play it with her father when the times we get stucked at home like when its raining or in a bad weather. Claudebiko purchased it on the internet over a year, and it only stocked long time in the room because that time, Bibingclara was too young to play with it. Too much early for her to try this type of game which is normally advised to childrens starting age of 5 or more. A couple of days ago, Claudebiko opened the box, worked on it and started learning his daughter with syllables :)
Syl-la-mots - a good way start learning how to read 
one of the video Claudebiko posted on his facebook 
We are so proud of our daughter! At 3 and 8 months old little girl can do that? Yeah, a part of her learning in school, we believe that she's really an intelligent girl, a fast learner :)
at the toy store, she can get what she wants!
That's why when she asked us something, we often say YES. Us, as her parents we will continue to support her in every way ( ang aga noh ). We should also not forget saying bravo or little word of encouragement to our childrens when they achieve something even if it's just in their little way. For them it's important :)

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