Thursday, November 24, 2011

Charlotte marmotte

Meet the new friend marmotte ( in french ) or marmot - ground hog of america. Charlotte the marmot! Cutey noh? it is actually one of a stuff toy of Léo when he was a little boy. We found it in one of the boxes stocking up in the basement while we were cleaning. Claudebiko still keeping some old stuff of his son and so when we see Charlotte, we bring it up to show to our daughter :)
Bibingclara likes Charlotte! she added Charlotte the marmot to her countless stuff toys
and yes there's another one that we called "adopted bear"
The lonely bear was founded sitting on the trash bin down the building the same day. I get it then i washed it in the washing machine :). The neat and happy bear is now a member of the gang hehehe 

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