Monday, September 24, 2012

My days, last week

Monday - I had those yummy "moon cakes" brought by my friend as pasalubong from Vietnam.
one filled with mungo beans, and the other like hopiang baboy? hehe sarap! sarap! both of them has two eggs inside :)
Tuesday - I baked Apple cake, purchased capsules from Nespresso, and went to the Pharmacie with hubby.
Wednesday - Treatment of lice! kuto operation as we all get infected ( or insecté ) imagine how long i treated mine with my long hair? ang sakit sa ulo ( headache )
 the weapons - lice treatment lotion ( 2 bottles ), anti-insect spray and lavander essential oil
Thursday - Dinner with the family as my sister-in-law's ( and her hubby ) arrived in Paris after their yearly ( twice each year ) europe voyage.
of course i cooked  red pork ribs and broccoli tart
Friday - I watched ( with hubby ) the filipino movie " Captive " after long years atlas i have seen again the big screen :)
this movie is a base to a true story, it was about kidnapping in Palawan directed by Brillante Mendoza
That's how i passed my days last week and that's all folks! I wish i would have another great days ahead. Happy rainy monday! ;)))

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