Friday, May 28, 2010


The only salad dressing i learnt from mother in law. I like the combinaison of vinegar mixing with a little moutard de dijon. I can eat any greens with it so i made it on my own at home from time to time. Few days ago, we ate avocado using the salad dressing i made. When im in the mood, i used to make sauce by big batches to make sure that we've always have ready in the fridge because Claudebiko prefers our home-made sauce more than ready made sauces that we can buy in the supermarket.
Here's how i simply made the dressing :
                                     1 1/2 cup Olive oil
                                        3/4 cup Vinaigre
                                        1 tbsp. Mustard
                                        2 tbsp. Powdered milk
                                        salt and pepper
In a glass bowl, pour the mustard. Dilute the olive oil and vinaigre. Mix well. Put the powdered milk. Salt and pepper to taste.
Place the vinaigrette in the sauce shaker and cool in the fridge :)

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